I've thought about it for a long, long time . . . (name that tune and artist).
April was the best of times, it was the worst of times. In April I:
1) decided to homeschool one of my kids for the rest of the school year
2) argued a case in front of the state Supreme Court
3) tried and failed twice to run 12 miles
4) got the same kid into a Montessori school for the fall, and
5) watched my husband go through an enormously difficult personal matter.
All in the span of a month. By the end of it I was thoroughly exhausted, more mentally than physically. I learned a lot about endurance, and preparation, and how despite the best of intentions, plans go terribly awry sometimes. And how endurance and preparation, given the right other conditions, can sometimes lead to a positive outcome.
I'll be back to posting more in the next month, simply because I need to. Thanks for being patient.
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